I want to create columns with input values is it possible?.or is there anything else i can do, i have input values , i want in columns.THANKS.
Hi @Abdul_Wahid, can you be more specific about what you are trying to do? A code snippet of what you’ve tried or a picture or something would be helpful.
Hello @Abdul_Wahid,
Are you expecting something like this?
import streamlit as st
c1, c2, c3 = st.beta_columns(3)
a = c1.text_input("First input")
b = c2.text_input("Second input")
c = c3.text_input("Third input")
st.write(a, b, c)
I used the widget st.beta_columns()
. Here’s its documentation: https://docs.streamlit.io/en/stable/api.html#streamlit.beta_columns
If that’s not what you want, let us know!