CSS not applying on server, but local is fine

Hi guys, im running my streamlit on local, trying to render an HTML table.

On local run, the table runs everything perfectly, see the above CSS:

im using an CSS applied directly to the render table, like this:

    def convert_df(input_df):
        # Formatar as colunas MODAL e CANAL com a função image_formatter
        df_html = input_df.to_html(index=False, escape=False, formatters=dict(MODAL=image_formatter, CANAL=image_formatter))
        # Remover a classe 'dataframe' da tabela
        df_html = df_html.replace('<table border="1" class="dataframe">', '<table class="custom-table">')
        css = """                    
            table.custom-table {
                border-collapse: collapse;
                width: 100%;
                table-layout: auto;

            table.custom-table thead {
                background-color: #404041; 
                color: white;

            table.custom-table thead th {
                border: none; 
                padding: 5px; /* Ajustar conforme necessário */
                text-align: center;
                font-weight: bold; /* Negrito no cabeçalho */
                font-size: 18px; /* Tamanho da fonte do cabeçalho (ajuste conforme necessário) */

            table.custom-table td {
                font-size: 14px; /* Tamanho da fonte das linhas (ajuste conforme necessário) */
                padding: 5px; /* Ajustar conforme necessário */
                text-align: center;
                font-weight: bold; /* Negrito nas linhas */
                border: none; 
                height: 72px; /* Altura fixa para as linhas da tabela */

            /* Primeira coluna com ícones */
            table.custom-table td:first-child {
                width: 150px;
                height: 72px;

            /* Ícones */
            table.custom-table td:first-child img {
                width: 100%; 
                height: 100%; 
                object-fit: cover;

            table.custom-table tbody tr {
                background-color: #165672; 
                color: white;
                border-bottom: 10px solid #404041;

            /* Coluna 'NUM' */
            table.custom-table td:nth-child(2) {
                width: 20px; /* Ajustar conforme necessário */

            /* Coluna 'CANAL' */
            table.custom-table td:nth-child(9) {
                width: 15px; /* Ajustar conforme necessário */
                height: 15px; /* Ajustar conforme necessário */

            /* Remover bordas laterais entre colunas */
            table.custom-table td, table.custom-table th {
                border-left: none;
                border-right: none;

            /* Remover bordas laterais entre linhas */
            table.custom-table tr {
                border-left: none;
                border-right: none;
        html_with_container = f"""
            <div class="table-responsive"> 
                <div class="table-body">
        return html_with_container

But when I deploy the app to heroku servers, the CSS dont apply at all.

I can change the hight of the column in the html console.

What am I missing here? :confused:

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