Current node.js installed on streamlit community cloud is v 12.22.22, but i need v 14


Recently, i’ve try to make an app that using shell script in streamlit app. It script was use playwright that use node.js on spesific version. This is my error:

CompletedProcess(args=['npx', '--yes', 'tweet-harvest@2.6.0', '-t', 'cb035fa6455fb943fdc81dd3c7071c4911c6604a', '-f', '01-04-2024', '--to', '24-04-2024', '-s', 'jokowi', '-l', '100', '-d', '1', '--tab', 'TOP'], returncode=1, stdout='', stderr='npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled.\nnpm ERR! code 1\nnpm ERR! path /home/appuser/.npm/_npx/ae02b68c4a80aeb9/node_modules/tweet-harvest\nnpm ERR! command failed\nnpm ERR! command sh -c npx playwright install chromium\nnpm ERR! npm WARN using --force Recommended protections disabled.\nnpm ERR! You are running Node.js 12.22.12.\nnpm ERR! Playwright requires Node.js 14 or higher. \nnpm ERR! Please update your version of Node.js.\nnpm ERR! npm ERR! code 1\nnpm ERR! npm ERR! path /home/appuser/.npm/_npx/ae02b68c4a80aeb9/node_modules/tweet-harvest\nnpm ERR! npm ERR! command failed\nnpm ERR! npm ERR! command sh -c playwright "install" "chromium"\nnpm ERR! \nnpm ERR! npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:\nnpm ERR! npm ERR! /home/appuser/.npm/_logs/2024-04-24T13_59_46_545Z-debug.log\n\nnpm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:\nnpm ERR! /home/appuser/.npm/_logs/2024-04-24T13_59_46_799Z-debug.log\n')

i have asked chat-gpt and gemini that the error because Streamlit Community Cloud was using node.js old version (v 12.22.22) that not compatible for playwright that require minimum v14. Is it true? Do i have way to fix it?

Here’s my repo:
i try to made it to help my lecturer doing research to download data from twitter easily because she is not coder/programmer and can’t do CLI :melting_face:

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