Hi, I am trying to create an app with multiple pages which perform different statistical tests on the same dataset. What I want is to have a homepage where the data is loaded and then a number of other pages dedicated to different statistical procedures.
What I have now is adapted from the awesome-streamlit
project. I currently have a home page for general landing and loading the data, a data viz page which was for visualising raw data but also needs to reload the data, and a stats test which again needs to reload the data then runs a simple sklearn function.
I have my main app.py which looks like this:
import streamlit as st
import awesome_streamlit as ast
import od_pages.home
import od_pages.nntest
import od_pages.dataread
"Home": od_pages.home,
"Data Viz": od_pages.dataread,
"Stats Test A": od_pages.nntest,
def main():
"""Main function of the App"""
selection = st.sidebar.radio("Go to", list(PAGES.keys()))
page = PAGES[selection]
with st.spinner(f"Loading {selection} ..."):
st.sidebar.title("Folder location")
fpath = st.sidebar.text_input(
"Data filepath"
This is an info box
if __name__ == "__main__":
What I want is for the data to be loaded in the home.py
and then to become a global variable such that it can be used in Data Viz and Stats Test A. My home.py
looks like this:
import streamlit as st
import glob
def get_data(filelist):
data, freqs, time, pi_dict_list = <readdata>(filelist)
return data, freqs, time, pi_dict_list
def write():
"""Used to write the page in the app.py file"""
with st.spinner("Loading Home ..."):
# Prototyping environment of stat tests
blah blah
filelist = glob.glob(<folder>)
data, freqs, time, pi_dict_list = get_data(filelist)
Despite adding in the caching, everytime I renavigate to home, the page is rewrote so the data is reloaded.
Does anyone have any advice on:
- How I can pass data between pages?
- How I can cache the pages such as to not rewrite them everytime I move off and then back onto them?
Thank you!