Data_editor add row behavior

Dear Streamlit-Community,
I’d like to know if it’s possible to modify the behavior of the ‘+’ button to add a line. When the user wants to add a new line, the line already contains data entered in a form.
I’ve tried to do this by creating a button and a callback function, but I quickly run into problems updating the data. They’re only taken into account every other time. Then maybe the code isn’t optimized enough.
Thank you in advance for your help.

def add_row():
    Adds a new row to the DataFrame stored in the Streamlit session state under the key "edited_df".
    df = st.session_state.dataframe_metadata
    form_data = st.session_state.form_data

    new_row = pd.DataFrame([form_data], columns=[*form_data.keys()])
    new_row['IdentifierAnalysis'] = None
    new_row['Object/Sample'] = None
    new_row['LocalisationAnalysis'] = None
    st.session_state.dataframe_metadata = pd.concat([df, new_row], ignore_index=True)

def on_change():
    st.session_state.dataframe_metadata = st.session_state.edited_dataframe

def step_metadata_files():
    """Step 3 page - Manage metadata with datafiles files"""
    st.session_state["submit_enabled"] = True

    st.header("Metadata Editor")

    if "dataframe_metadata" not in st.session_state:
        st.session_state["dataframe_metadata"] = None

    form_data = st.session_state.form_data

    if st.session_state['dataframe_metadata'] is not None:
        df = st.session_state['dataframe_metadata'].copy()
        df = pd.DataFrame([form_data], columns=[*form_data.keys()])
        # New column
        df['IdentifierAnalysis'] = None
        df['Object/Sample'] = None
        df['LocalisationAnalysis'] = None
        # ordering
        columns_order = ['IdentifierAnalysis', 'Object/Sample', 'LocalisationAnalysis', *form_data.keys()]
        st.session_state.dataframe_metadata = df[columns_order]

    st.session_state.edited_dataframe = st.data_editor(st.session_state.dataframe_metadata,

    # Display dataframe
    st.button("Add row", on_click=add_row)

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