Data entered in streamlit form gets lost if tablet running app is closed for a log period of time

Hello Streamlit Community!
Useful info:
I have developed a form application for collecting data at final inspection in a production plant. I am hosting the app locally and accessing it using the network url on samsung tablets.

I am having trouble with the case that an inspector has partially filled out the form and closes the tablet for a duration of time. What’s happening is that upon reopening the tablet and the web page, the apps fields are greyed out and the app is busy “connecting to streamlit servers”. Once it is reconnected, most data entered in one particular section (below is an explanation of this looping section) of the form is lost. All other fields outside of the looping section are not effected and retain their previously entered values.

Looping Section
One section needed to have the functionality to add an arbitrary number of repeatable rows of fields, as within each job being run on the machine, there is an arbitrary number of cases to inspect for defects. Each row added is a case inspected.

Code snippet of looping section

# formatting defective cases input looped section
if 'n_rows' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.n_rows = 1

add = st.button(label="Add Cases")

if add:
    st.session_state.n_rows += 1 
    # st.experimental_rerun()

for i in range(st.session_state.n_rows):
    #add text inputs here
    col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5)

    with col1:
        Case_Number = st.text_input(label="Case Number", key=i)
    with col2:
        Defect_Code = st.selectbox(label="Defect Code", options=Defect_List, key=i, help="Select a defect. If no samples are defective, select None")
    with col3:
        Pieces_Defective  = st.number_input(label="Qty Defective", step=1, key=i)

    with col4:
        Sample_Qty = Get_Sample_Qty(CaseQty)
        Total_Pieces_Sampled = st.number_input(label="Total Pieces Sampled", value=Sample_Qty, key=i)
    with col5:
        Accept_Reject_Value = Accept_Reject(Pieces_Defective)
        Case_Verdict = st.text_input(label="Accept/Reject",value=Accept_Reject_Value, key=i)

    Defective_Case[i] = {
                            "caseid" : Case_Number,
                            "defectcode" : Defect_Code,
                            "defectivesamples" : Pieces_Defective,
                            "totalsamples" : Total_Pieces_Sampled,
                            "caseverdict" : Case_Verdict


  • Is it possible to speed up “connecting to streamlit server” when a partially filled out form on the tablet is accessed after a period of time
  • What could be the reason that all of the normal input fields outside of the looping section retain their values? Is the session state variable being reset for some reason when the app reconnects?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks so much.

Full app:

import streamlit as st

import pandas as pd

from PIL import Image

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

from pyzbar.pyzbar import decode

import toml

#fetch dbcredentials
credsfile = ".streamlit/secrets.toml"
content  = toml.load(credsfile)
conn_string = content['connection_string']
engine = create_engine(conn_string)

###### FUNCTIONS #######

# define database insert function
def insert_db(dataframe, engine, table):
    conn = engine.connect()
        dataframe.to_sql(table, conn, if_exists='append', index=False)
    except Exception:
        st.warning("⚠️Error Encountered. Were any fields skipped?⚠️")
        st.success("Your submission was recorded.")
        st.warning("**DON'T PRESS SUBMIT AGAIN.  To enter another submission, refresh the page.**")

# define Defect List Generator function
def Defect_List_Generator(dataframe):
    Defectcode_desc = dataframe['defectcode'] + '-' + dataframe['defectdesc']
    List = Defectcode_desc.to_list()
    return List

# define auto-sample qty based on caseqty
def Get_Sample_Qty(CaseQty):
    if CaseQty in range(2,15):
        return 2
    if CaseQty in range(15,25):
        return 3
    if CaseQty in range(25,90):
        return 5
    if CaseQty in range(90,150):
        return 8
    if CaseQty in range(150,280):
        return 13
    if CaseQty in range(280,500):
        return 20
    if CaseQty in range(500,1200):
        return 32
    if CaseQty in range(1200,3200):
        return 50
    if CaseQty in range(3200,10000):
        return 80
    if CaseQty in range(10000,35000):
        return 125
    if CaseQty in range(35000,150000):
        return 200
    if CaseQty in range(150000,500000):
        return 315
        return 0

def Accept_Reject(DefQty):
    if DefQty > 3:
        return "Reject"
        return "Accept"

# create arrays for multiple choice drop down inputs
Gluer_List = ['Gluer #2 Bobst', 'GLUER #4 Omega', 'GLUER #5 6FX', 'GLUER #6 6FX', 'GLUER #7 BOBST', 'GLUER #8 BOBST', 'GLUER #9 OMEGA', 'GLUER #10 OMEGA', 'GLUER#11 International']
Shift_List = ['1st Shift', '2nd Shift', 'Weekend Shift']
Customer_List = ['Titleist', 'Arden']

# Defects list
Defect_List = []
defects = pd.read_sql('dim_defect', engine)
Defect_List = Defect_List_Generator(defects)

######## FORM UI ##########

#Title Area

logo ="Small Curtis Logo.jpg")
st.set_page_config(page_title="Final Inspection Form", page_icon= logo, layout="centered")
st.image(logo, width=100, )
st.title("Final Inspection Form")

# try to use button to hid camera_input 

st.subheader("Job Information")
JobID = st.text_input(label="Job Number", max_chars=6)
ItemID = st.text_input(label="Item Number", max_chars=9)
CustomerID = st.selectbox(label="Customer", options=Customer_List)
CaseQty  = st.number_input(label="Case Qty", step=1, )
st.subheader("Inspection Information")
InspectorID = st.number_input(label="Inspector Number", step=1, value=0)
InspectStation = st.selectbox(label="Inspection Station", options=Gluer_List)
InspectShift  = st.selectbox(label="Inspection Shift", options=Shift_List)
DateFound = st.date_input("Inspection Date")

# create blank dictionary for defective cases
Defective_Case = {}

# formatting defective cases input looped section
if 'n_rows' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.n_rows = 1

add = st.button(label="Add Cases")

if add:
    st.session_state.n_rows += 1 
    # st.experimental_rerun()

for i in range(st.session_state.n_rows):
    #add text inputs here
    col1, col2, col3, col4, col5 = st.columns(5)

    with col1:
        Case_Number = st.text_input(label="Case Number", key=i)
    with col2:
        Defect_Code = st.selectbox(label="Defect Code", options=Defect_List, key=i, help="Select a defect. If no samples are defective, select None")
    with col3:
        Pieces_Defective  = st.number_input(label="Qty Defective", step=1, key=i)

    with col4:
        Sample_Qty = Get_Sample_Qty(CaseQty)
        Total_Pieces_Sampled = st.number_input(label="Total Pieces Sampled", value=Sample_Qty, key=i)
    with col5:
        Accept_Reject_Value = Accept_Reject(Pieces_Defective)
        Case_Verdict = st.text_input(label="Accept/Reject",value=Accept_Reject_Value, key=i)

    Defective_Case[i] = {
                            "caseid" : Case_Number,
                            "defectcode" : Defect_Code,
                            "defectivesamples" : Pieces_Defective,
                            "totalsamples" : Total_Pieces_Sampled,
                            "caseverdict" : Case_Verdict
st.markdown("**Don't press submit again after submission confirmation.  To enter another submission, refresh the page.*")
submit = st.button("Submit", key=1)

# structure input data into dictionary 
submissiondict = {
            "jobid" : JobID,
            "itemid" : ItemID, 
            "customerid" : CustomerID,
            "datefound": str(DateFound),
            "inspectshift": InspectShift, 
            "inspectgluer" : InspectStation, 
            "caseqty" : CaseQty,
            "defective case": Defective_Case

columns = submissiondict.keys()

# Configure database insert upon submission
if submit:
    df = pd.DataFrame(submissiondict)
    df.insert(8, 'caseid', "")
    df.insert(9,'defectcode', "")
    df.insert(10, 'defectivesamples', "")
    df.insert(11, 'totalsamples', "")
    df.insert(12, 'caseverdict', "")

    for i, row in df.iterrows():
        df['caseid'][i] = df.loc[i,'defective case'].get('caseid')
        df['defectcode'][i] = df.loc[i,'defective case'].get('defectcode')
        df['defectivesamples'][i] = df.loc[i,'defective case'].get('defectivesamples')
        df['totalsamples'][i] = df.loc[i,'defective case'].get('totalsamples')
        df['caseverdict'][i] = df.loc[i,'defective case'].get('caseverdict')

    df = df.drop(df.columns[[7]], axis=1)
    # df['defectcode']= [x.split('-')[-1] for x in df['defectcode']]
    # df['defectdesc']= [x.split('-')[0] for x in df['defectcode']]
    df[['defectcode','defectdesc']]= df['defectcode'].str.split('-', n=2, expand=True)
    df.to_csv("Q:\Final Inspection Form Raw Exports/TEST_"+f"{str(DateFound)}"+f"_{CustomerID}"+f"_{Case_Number}.csv", index=False, )  
    # st.write(df)
    insert_db(df, engine, "stage_defect_event")

EDIT 8/23/2022:
After some more testing, it seems as though upon reconnecting, the script is run through and for some reason this resets the session state variable ‘n_rows’, as each entered row besides the first disappear, and row 1 retains it’s entered values.

‘n_rows’ initial value is set to 1:

if 'n_rows' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.n_rows = 1

and then increased each time the “add case” button is pressed.

if add:
    st.session_state.n_rows += 1 

I don’t know how to prevent n_rows from resetting and removing the additional rows.

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