Dataframe: give name to column which is triggered by selection


my question is in the context of this issue:

I use this work around, but I could not figure out how to give a name to the column which holds the check box. Is there a way to make this possible? Otherwise it is very hidden and not obvious.


I dont know if I fully follow your question, but I basically display lets say 5 columns of my table, where 5th is “Show Details” and thats a check box, when you click the box then a panel underneath gets displayed with the rest of the info - Im not sure if youre asking about the code or just the concept

it all works perfectly fine. The only thing I would like to achieve is having a name for the checkbox column. Currently the name of the column is empty.
Screenshot 2024-07-05 at 15.25.11
The left column in the screen shot is my checkbox column. But there is no title for this column, like the next column called ‘ID’?

:point_up:I used the code from Multiple links in one dataframe field - #9 by edsaac

ok, I see what youre saying - this is because th right panel is created by :

selection = st.dataframe(
            column_config={"link_list": None},

the explanation of how that works with dataframe is here: st.dataframe - Streamlit Docs

in your case I would use data.editor (st.data_editor - Streamlit Docs) and in column.config you can choose which column you want to use as a check box and declare as such in config_column (then you can name it whatever)
like in this example they have in documentation:

import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st

data_df = pd.DataFrame(
        "widgets": ["st.selectbox", "st.number_input", "st.text_area", "st.button"],
        "favorite": [True, False, False, True],

        "favorite": st.column_config.CheckboxColumn(
            "Your favorite?",
            help="Select your **favorite** widgets",

Hi, thanks for your reply. But I am sorry, I simply do not understand it. The code you posted gives me a checkbox column but I do not see a way to solve my initial problem. In your first reply(Dataframe: give name to column which is triggered by selection - #2 by mj907) you described it correct.

In the end, my problem is that I have more than 10 links per row and I do not know how to show this in a nice way. Therefore, the idea of having a modal window is great. And selecting a row and showing the right links depending on the selection works perfectly fine. My users just do not know that they can do it, as the column header is empty.

Hi! I am currently having the same issue - did you find a workaround?