I’m loving streamlit so far, but have a quick question about using encodings from my dataframe to create a LineLayer in the deckgl chart. If you have an example, that would be helpful.
Here is my current code, but I’m only getting the lat/lon fields from my dataframe to show up and the target position always appears to be (0,0).
"mapStyle": "mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v9",
"mapboxApiAccessToken": '<token>',
"latitude": midpoint[0],
"longitude": midpoint[1],
"zoom": 2,
"pitch": 50
"type": "LineLayer",
"data": tracks,
"encoding": {"getLatitude": "lat",
"getLongitude": "lon",
"getTargetLatitude": "to_lat",
"getTargetLongitude": "to_lon",