Delete/reset widgets in the main page on changing selections in the radio button on sidebar

One week back started using Streamlit. The docs are self-understandable and helped to quickly go prepare an app for my project. However, I ran into one critical issue as follows:

My app is consists of:

  • Two radio buttons on the sidebar
  • Based on these selections, a different number of checkboxes, sliders, and dropdown appears on the main page.

While changing the radio buttons selections, I receive the error:
IndexError: list index out of range

After debugging, I came to know this issue is because in st.session_state the earlier widgets are still present i.e. two checkboxes to be true, etc. My expectation here is that when a change of selection from radio button is noticed by app during rerun, all the widgets should be deleted or reset because the number of widgets and their values/names will change.

Hello @Sumit_Chaudhary , welcome to the community!

Iโ€™d have the same assumption, but though the widgets are put down / recreated, their state would be preserved in session_state, so multiple widgets with the same labels could conflict (see the advanced state docs). Have you perhaps tried to add distinct key= argument to your widgets so that they donโ€™t conflict?

Would you be able to share a code snippet to help us get a better view of your issue :slight_smile: ? I may be missing something too.

Have a nice day Streamlitinโ€™ !
Fanilo :balloon:

@andfanilo Thanks for the response. You have understood my issue perfectly, multiple widgets with the same labels conflicting as they are preserved in the session_state. Since the number of checkboxes, slidersโ€ฆ controls will vary base on selections from the radio buttons. In some cases, they may have the same names but different values as in the case of sliders. I am already using key for all these widgets (I have not assigned a variable name to widgets). How can I delete them from session_state as soon as the radio button input is changed?

I have solved the problem by using the radio buttons selection in the key name and deleting the previously selected widgets using

del st.session_state[key]

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