Df.info() is not displaying any result in st.write()

This issue is solved in

is right but instead of using st.write you need to use st.text, other way will display an ugly str.

solution by: snehankekre

buffer = io.StringIO()
s = buffer.getvalue()

Alternatively, if you want the output as da data frame for whatever reasons you can use this code:

def get_df_info(df):
     buffer = io.StringIO ()
     df.info (buf=buffer)
     lines = buffer.getvalue ().split ('\n')
     # lines to print directly
     lines_to_print = [0, 1, 2, -2, -3]
     for i in lines_to_print:
         st.write (lines [i])
     # lines to arrange in a df
     list_of_list = []
     for x in lines [5:-3]:
         list = x.split ()
         list_of_list.append (list)
     info_df = pd.DataFrame (list_of_list, columns=['index', 'Column', 'Non-null-Count', 'null', 'Dtype'])
     info_df.drop (columns=['index', 'null'], axis=1, inplace=True)