Disabling "upload widget" after clicking on form submit


I have a form on the sidebar with 1. upload file widget 2. submit button saying ‘process uploaded files’.
I understand how to disable the submit button but I also want to disable the upload file widget.
How would I do this?

Steps to reproduce

Code snippet:

    if 'disabled' not in st.session_state:
         st.session_state.disabled = False

    def disable():
        st.session_state.disabled = True

    st.sidebar.title('File Upload and Processing')

    with st.sidebar.form(key='sidebar_form'):
        # Allow the user to upload a file
        uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a file", type=["pdf", "txt"], key='file_upload_widget')

        # If a file was uploaded, display its contents
        if uploaded_file is not None:
            if save_files(uploaded_file):
                st.subheader('Uploaded files')
                st.success(f'files uploaded {st.session_state.uploaded_files}')

        submit_btn = st.form_submit_button('Process Uploaded Files',
        if submit_btn:
            st.sidebar.write('No more upload possible')

Desired behavior:

This disabled the submit button but what I want to disable (additional to submit button is the upload file section so that user cannot upload any more files

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ok, I figured it out the st.session_state.disabled need to be passed to st.file_uploader also
so the final code looks like

if 'disabled' not in st.session_state:
         st.session_state.disabled = False

    def disable():
        st.session_state.disabled = True

    st.sidebar.title('File Upload and Processing')

    with st.sidebar.form(key='sidebar_form'):
        # Allow the user to upload a file
        uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload a file", type=["pdf", "txt"], key='file_upload_widget', disabled=st.session_state.disabled)

        # If a file was uploaded, display its contents
        if uploaded_file is not None:
            if save_files(uploaded_file):
                st.subheader('Uploaded files')
                st.success(f'files uploaded {st.session_state.uploaded_files}')

        submit_btn = st.form_submit_button('Process Uploaded Files',
        if submit_btn:
            st.sidebar.write('No more upload possible')```
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