It you want to try self-hosting on your own instance, is an open source project I am building. Clace makes hosting Streamlit apps very easy. After installing Clace and Docker/Podman, creating and managing Streamlit apps is as easy as running a command like
clace apply --approve
That command applies the declarative app config clace/examples/ at main · claceio/clace · GitHub. The whole config to define container config and routing rules for five streamlit apps is
sl_args = {"container_opts": {"cpus": "2", "memory": "512m"}, "spec": "python-streamlit"}
app("/streamlit/spirals", "", git_branch="master", params={"app_name": "Spirals"}, **sl_args)
app("/streamlit/uber", "", params={"app_name": "NYC Uber Ridesharing Data"}, **sl_args)
app("/streamlit/echarts", "", git_branch="master",
params={"app_file": "", "app_name": "ECharts Demo"}, **sl_args)
app("/streamlit/snowflake", "",
params={"app_file": "", "app_name": "Snowflake Cheatsheet"}, **sl_args)
app("maps.:", "", # uses default domain, eg maps.localhost:/
params={"app_file": "streamlit-prettymapp/", "app_name": "Prettymapp"}, **sl_args)
Clace manages the request routing (domain or path based), TLS certs, gitops, container management, OAuth authentication if required etc.
See Clace Apps for a demo.