ERROR: double streamlit dependency

Help please!
When I try to deply I get this error! both on Streamlit and on another webhoster!!

As the error message clearly says, you have conflicting requirements, probably you added streamlit twice with different versions.

I understood that, obviously. The question is what do I do from here. I uninstalled streamlit (pip uninstall in the command prompt) and reinstalled it, but the problem remains.

Streamlit cloud doesn’t know or care about what you do in your computer’s command prompt. You probably need to fix that in your requirements file.

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Of course.
Please share a link to your public github repo.

Yes sir, here you go:

So you want streamlit==1.30.0 or streamlit==1.35.0?

Exactly what I had already written…
Choose a version from streamlit.


I tried uninstalling streamlit in my terminal and reinstalling it, if I should even be in the terminal for this…

I tried uninstalling streamlit 1.30, the terminal only found 1.35.

Do I do something in Github?? I don’t know how to do what you say

Thank you though for taking the time

What you do in your computer is irrelevant to streamlit cloud.

You did something in Github, namely adding a requirements file with this content:


You are asking for two versions of streamlit. Why is that? What version do you want to install?


Thank you!

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