Error in launching streamlit app: TypeError: WebSocketHandler.__init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'application' and 'request'

I tried using a virtual environment as well as without a virtual environment fro running the app
I had python version 3.9.7 which gave me the error: TypeError: Protocols cannot be instantiated
I uninstalled 3.9.7 and installed python 3.10.0.
I installed pip, streamlit and attempted to run the streamlit app.
now i get the error: TypeError: WebSocketHandler.init() missing 2 required positional arguments: ‘application’ and ‘request’

Code snippet:

import streamlit as st

solution: i was using streamlit version 1.17, i simply degraded to version 1.7
issue closed

solution: i was using streamlit version 1.17, i simply degraded to version 1.7

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