[Error] Update source code

I have a project that when I change the code the ‘rerun’ button does not appear. And when I perform ‘rerun’ the code changes don’t work. I already uninstalled everything and installed it again, but the problem was not resolved and the other projects I have do not have this error.

Hi @Alexandre_Shiguemi,

Welcome to our community! :hugs:

Would you mind sharing the code, please? That would help us diagnose the issue :slight_smile:


The code itself is quite large, but the problem is when I change my code, that rerun doesn’t appear in the top right corner, and reloading the page doesn’t update localhost:8501 with the new code after editing.
This part is not showing up when I change the code

@Charly_Wargnier please, help me

Discover the error, my page files are in the ./pages files so only main.py was in the source when I changed the code it didn’t recognize it

Hey @Alexandre_Shiguemi! :wave:

Apologies for not getting back to you sooner – I was on annual leave when you replied.

Anyway, I’m glad you found a fix for it! :hugs:


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