Error when importing chessdotcom library in my streamlit app

When I import chessdotcom library, my streamlit app throws an error:

2022-05-31 14:40:43.430 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\chess\env\lib\site-packages\streamlit\scriptrunner\", line 475, in _run_script
    exec(code, module.__dict__)
  File "C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\chess\", line 1, in <module>
    from chessdotcom import get_player_profile
  File "C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\chess\env\lib\site-packages\chessdotcom\", line 2, in <module>
    from chessdotcom.client import *
  File "C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\chess\env\lib\site-packages\chessdotcom\", line 17, in <module>
    class Client:
  File "C:\Users\Lenovo\Desktop\chess\env\lib\site-packages\chessdotcom\", line 26, in Client
    loop = get_event_loop()
  File "C:\Users\Lenovo\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 656, in get_event_loop
    raise RuntimeError('There is no current event loop in thread %r.'
RuntimeError: There is no current event loop in thread 'ScriptRunner.scriptThread'.

What shall I do?

Hi @Karan, welcome to the Streamlit community!

Can you post a code snippet or GitHub repo that demonstrates this behavior, so that others can see what you’ve tried and make suggestions?


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