Error with version 1.37.0

Hi, I have an error with the new version of 1.37.0. The error seems to be caused by data retrieved from a public Google Sheet. The error message is ImportError: cannot import name 'convert_anything_to_df' from 'streamlit.type_util' (the image is attached below). The same issue seems to have been raised on Stack Overflow.

I rebooted the app and deleted/reinstalled but this didn’t help. The error doesn’t happen when I downgrade the Streamlit version to 1.36.0.

Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Hi, I think the answer is there on Stack Overflow:
“This is a versioning problem. In a change from 3 weeks ago, those functions were moved from type_util to dataframe_util. You can try moving back to a previous version of streamlit, or go file a complaint with the streamlist_gsheets folks which are different.”
I updated my requirements to 1.34.0 (which is the version I run locally) and it works for me.

Thanks! I downgraded my app to 1.36.0 which is working fine but I think the issue should be resolved.

Agree! See comments here Error on GSheetsConnection modules - #2 by Manuel3 Looks like something is being done.

Hi @Yusuf can you please tell me how you downgraded the Streamlit version in Snowflake. I am facing the same problem.