Explore TensorFlow optimizers with "Minimize me." app!

Curious about how AI and deep learning work? I just launched Minimize Me, the perfect tool to explore optimization. Watch TensorFlow optimizers like SGD and Adam in action as they minimize complex mathematical functions.

Experiment with hyperparameters like learning rate and see how they impact the optimizer’s path. With interactive 3D visualizations, you’ll get instant feedback on your changes.

I’m planning more features soon, including custom function optimization and additional algorithms. I’d love to hear your thoughts to help improve the app. If you’re eager to dive into neural networks and optimization, Minimize Me is the app for you!

Very cool! Not just instructive, but the app also looks great.

One small thing: have you considered using something like Plotly for the 3d chart? That would allow free rotation by dragging the mouse.

Thank you! I didn’t realize Streamlit supports Plotly. I’ll definitely incorporate this feature in the next version of the app!"