Failed to download the sources for repository

I have find it’s alternative.
First I add my model which his 460mb size on Google drive. Then I use Google colab and connect colab with drive.
After that I use “ngrok” , from this I deployed model on steamlit.
Here I resolve the problem of GitHub. Because I palce model on Google drive and access through colab.

FYI this issue is not resolved.

I have a a 36kb .py file in the github repo, so no file size issues. Over the last few days my app broke without me having pushed any updates.

I DID delete and re-create the app which has worked thankfully! But the issue persists, as I had the same error as the OP.

I was facing a similar issue and this solved it. Thank you!

remove the .gitattributes file
you can also try several methods i tried but if you used lfs try removing the file