Feature idea, Pyodide JupyterLite like Streamlit

Thatā€™s right.
I didnā€™t want to refer to the project fork.

I wanted to say just about technical issue that some fixes are needed on the core and the development must be tightly coupled with the core development, which is different from Jupyter Lite. The fork here simply means ā€œforking a branch in the main repoā€ unlike Jupyter Lite, which is a separate repo independent from the core.

As a separate discussion, Iā€™m not sure if it can be merged into the main stream - the core design/development is not community-driven, but the core development team of the company does.
Of course the forked development can be merged into the main branch, but maybe not. It must be discussed with the core dev team.
Itā€™s a project management/design decision and out of scope I wanted to write about in the post.

The advantages you wrote is true and such information is important to discuss with the core dev team, I think.
If I add something,