File uploaded gone in the page or page rerun after the file upload's loading is finished

Hi guys,

I need help of my code as the situation is when i uploading my file with file uploader but it will disappear after the loading is finished. Also it seem like the page is rerun or any relevant of the session state. I had tried downloaded the streamlit version and the protection off but still the same.@korenhskoh ➜ /workspaces/macsiqoq (main) $ streamlit run --server.enableCORS false --server.enableXsrfProtection false

Let’s look my code below:

def report_upload():
# Create a directory if it doesn’t exist
upload_folder = “/workspaces/macsiqoq/files_uploaded”
os.makedirs(upload_folder, exist_ok=True)
# Define the file types for each step
file_types = [
{“name”: “IQOQ in MS Word”, “file_type”: [“docx”, “pdf”]},
{“name”: “IQOQ Raw Data in MS Word”, “file_type”: [“docx”, “pdf”]},
{“name”: “Training Certs in PDF”, “file_type”: [“pdf”]}

# Initialize the list to store uploaded files
uploaded_files = st.session_state.get("uploaded_files", [])

# Initialize cal_cert_num
cal_cert_num = 0

# Loop through each step
for i, file_type_info in enumerate(file_types, start=1):
    step_name = file_type_info["name"]
    file_type = file_type_info["file_type"]

    st.subheader(f"Step {i}: Upload {step_name}")

        file = st.file_uploader(f"Upload {step_name}:", type=file_type)
        # Check if a file is uploaded
        if file is not None:
            st.success("File uploaded successfully!")
            file = save_uploaded_file(file, upload_folder)
            st.write(f"File saved at: {file}")
            if i < len(file_types) or (i == len(file_types) and len(uploaded_files) < len(file_types) + cal_cert_num):
                if not st.button("OK"):
                    st.warning("Please confirm the file upload.")
                    uploaded_files.pop()  # Remove the last uploaded file if not confirmed
                    break  # Break loop if "OK" button is not clicked
            st.warning("Please upload the file to proceed.")
            break  # Break loop if file is not uploaded
    except :
        print("no upload done")
# Store uploaded files in session state
#st.session_state.uploaded_files = uploaded_files

# If all required files are uploaded
if len(uploaded_files) == len(file_types):
    cal_cert_num = st.number_input("Enter the number of calibration certificates to upload:", min_value=1, step=1)
    for j in range(cal_cert_num):
        st.subheader(f"Step {i + j + 1}: Upload Calibration Certificate {j + 1}")
        cal_cert_file = st.file_uploader(f"Upload Calibration Certificate {j + 1}:", type=["pdf"])
        if cal_cert_file is not None:
            if j < cal_cert_num - 1:
                if not st.form_submit_button("OK"):
                    st.warning("Please confirm the file upload.")
                    uploaded_files.pop()  # Remove the last uploaded file if not confirmed
                    break  # Break loop if "OK" button is not clicked
            st.warning("Please upload the file to proceed.")
            break  # Break loop if file is not uploaded

# Store uploaded calibration certificate files in session state
#st.session_state.uploaded_files = uploaded_files

# If all required files are uploaded including calibration certificates
if len(uploaded_files) == len(file_types) + cal_cert_num:
    st.success("All files uploaded successfully!")
    st.write("Now click the 'Generate Report' button to proceed.")
    if st.button("Generate Report"):
    st.warning("Please upload all required files to proceed.")

Hi @Korenhs_Koh

It seems that you’re saving uploaded binary files as session state variable which may not be doable. Rather you may be able to extract certain information from uploaded files and save such values as session state variable.

Please refer to the Docs on session states for more info:

Hope this helps!

Hi professor,

Thanks for the information. I had tried to remove the session state but the issue still the same. I just want to normal upload file subsequently. Really no idea what going on.

import logging
import openai
import streamlit as st
from datetime import datetime
from PyPDF2 import PdfReader, PdfWriter
from docx import Document
from io import BytesIO
import fitz # PyMuPDF library
from langchain.adapters import openai as lc_openai
from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance
import time
import json
import requests
import base64
import os
from openai import OpenAI


Streamlit Page Configuration

page_title=“IQOQ AI Assistant”,
“Get help”: “GitHub - AdieLaine/Streamly: Streamly - Streamlit Assistant is designed to provide the latest updates from Streamlit, generate code snippets for Streamlit widgets, and answer questions about Streamlit's latest features, issues, and more”,
“Report a bug”: “GitHub - AdieLaine/Streamly: Streamly - Streamlit Assistant is designed to provide the latest updates from Streamlit, generate code snippets for Streamlit widgets, and answer questions about Streamlit's latest features, issues, and more”,
“About”: “”"
## Streamly Streamlit Assistant

        The AI Assistant named, Streamly, aims to provide the latest updates from Streamlit,
        generate code snippets for Streamlit widgets,
        and answer questions about Streamlit's latest features, issues, and more.
        Streamly has been trained on the latest Streamlit updates and documentation.


Streamlit Updates and Expanders

API_DOCS_URL = “API Reference - Streamlit Docs

def long_running_task(duration):
Simulates a long-running operation.
return “Long-running operation completed.”

def load_and_enhance_image(image_path, enhance=False):
Load and optionally enhance an image.

- image_path: str, path of the image
- enhance: bool, whether to enhance the image or not

- img: PIL.Image.Image, (enhanced) image
img =
if enhance:
    enhancer = ImageEnhance.Contrast(img)
    img = enhancer.enhance(1.8)
return img

def load_IQOQ_streamlit_updates():
“”“Load the latest Streamlit updates from a local JSON file.”“”
with open(“/workspaces/macsiqoq/data_updates/streamlit_updates_IQOQ.json”, “r”) as f:
return json.load(f)
except (FileNotFoundError, json.JSONDecodeError):
return {}

def get_latest_update_from_json(keyword, latest_updates):
Fetch the latest Streamlit update based on a keyword.

    keyword (str): The keyword to search for in the Streamlit updates.
    latest_updates (dict): The latest Streamlit updates data.

    str: The latest update related to the keyword, or a message if no update is found.
for section in ["Highlights", "Notable Changes", "Other Changes"]:
    for sub_key, sub_value in latest_updates.get(section, {}).items():
        for key, value in sub_value.items():
            if keyword.lower() in key.lower() or keyword.lower() in value.lower():
                return f"Section: {section}\nSub-Category: {sub_key}\n{key}: {value}"

return "No updates found for the specified keyword."

def get_streamlit_api_code_version():
Get the current Streamlit API code version from the Streamlit API documentation.

    str: The current Streamlit API code version.
    response = requests.get(API_DOCS_URL)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return "1.28.0"
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
    print("Error connecting to the Streamlit API documentation:", str(e))
return None

def display_streamlit_updates():
“”“It displays the latest updates of the Streamlit.”“”
with st.expander(“Streamlit 1.28 Announcement”, expanded=False):
image_path = “/workspaces/macsiqoq/img/updates.jpg”
enhance = st.checkbox(“Enhance Image?”, False)
img = load_and_enhance_image(image_path, enhance)
st.image(img, caption=“Streamlit 1.28 Announcement”, use_column_width=“auto”, clamp=True, channels=“RGB”, output_format=“JPG”)
st.markdown(“For more details on this version, check out the Streamlit Forum post.”)

def img_to_base64(image_path):
“”“Convert image to base64"”"
with open(image_path, “rb”) as img_file:
return base64.b64encode(

def on_chat_submit(chat_input, api_key, latest_updates, use_langchain=False):
Handle chat input submissions and interact with the OpenAI API.

    chat_input (str): The chat input from the user.
    api_key (str): The OpenAI API key.
    latest_updates (dict): The latest Streamlit updates fetched from a JSON file or API.
    use_langchain (bool): Whether to use LangChain OpenAI wrapper.
    None: Updates the chat history in Streamlit's session state.
user_input = chat_input.strip().lower()

# Initialize the OpenAI API
model_engine = "gpt-3.5-turbo"

# Initialize the conversation history with system and assistant messages
assistant_message = ""
formatted_message = []
highlights = latest_updates.get("Highlights", {})

# Include version info in highlights if available
version_info = highlights.get("Version 1.28", {})
if version_info:
    description = version_info.get("Description", "No description available.")
    formatted_message.append(f"- **Version 1.28**: {description}")

for category, updates in latest_updates.items():
    for sub_key, sub_values in updates.items():
        if sub_key != "Version 1.28":  # Skip the version info as it's already included
            description = sub_values.get("Description", "No description available.")
            documentation = sub_values.get("Documentation", "No documentation available.")
            formatted_message.append(f"- **{sub_key}**: {description}")
            formatted_message.append(f"  - **Documentation**: {documentation}")

assistant_message += "\n".join(formatted_message)

    # Logic for assistant's reply
    assistant_reply = ""

    if use_langchain:
        # LangChain OpenAI wrapper call
        lc_result = lc_openai.ChatCompletion.create(
        assistant_reply = lc_result["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]

        if "latest updates" in user:
        # Logic for assistant's reply
            assistant_reply = ""

        if use_langchain:
            # LangChain OpenAI wrapper call
            lc_result = lc_openai.ChatCompletion.create(
            assistant_reply = lc_result["choices"][0]["message"]["content"]

            if "latest updates" in user_input:
                assistant_reply = "Here are the latest highlights from Streamlit:\n"
                highlights = latest_updates.get("Highlights", {})
                if highlights:
                    for version, info in highlights.items():
                        description = info.get("Description", "No description available.")
                        assistant_reply += f"- **{version}**: {description}\n"
                # Direct OpenAI API call
                response = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
                assistant_reply = response.choices[0].message.content

        return assistant_reply
except openai.APIConnectionError as e:
    logging.error(f"Error occurred: {e}")
    error_message = f"OpenAI Error: {str(e)}"
    return error_message

def generate_pdf(uploaded_files):

Function to save uploaded files

def save_uploaded_file(file, upload_folder):
file = os.path.join(upload_folder,
with open(file, “wb”) as f:
return file

def report_upload():
# Create a directory if it doesn’t exist
upload_folder = “/workspaces/macsiqoq/files_uploaded”
os.makedirs(upload_folder, exist_ok=True)
# Define the file types for each step
file_types = [
{“name”: “IQOQ in MS Word”, “file_type”: [“docx”, “pdf”]},
{“name”: “IQOQ Raw Data in MS Word”, “file_type”: [“docx”, “pdf”]},
{“name”: “Training Certs in PDF”, “file_type”: [“pdf”]}

# Loop through each step
uploaded_files = []
cal_cert_num = 0
for i, file_type_info in enumerate(file_types, start=1):
    step_name = file_type_info["name"]
    file_type = file_type_info["file_type"]

    st.subheader(f"Step {i}: Upload {step_name}")
        file = st.file_uploader(f"Upload {step_name}:", type=file_type)
        # Check if a file is uploaded
        if file is not None:
            st.success("File uploaded successfully!")
            file = save_uploaded_file(file, upload_folder)
            st.write(f"File saved at: {file}")
            st.warning("Please upload the file to proceed.")
            break  # Break loop if file is not uploaded
    except Exception as e:
        logging.error(f"Error occurred: {e}")
        st.error(f"Error occurred: {e}")

# If all required files are uploaded
if len(uploaded_files) == len(file_types):
    cal_cert_num = st.number_input("Enter the number of calibration certificates to upload:", min_value=1, step=1)
    for j in range(cal_cert_num):
        st.subheader(f"Step {i + j + 1}: Upload Calibration Certificate {j + 1}")
        cal_cert_file = st.file_uploader(f"Upload Calibration Certificate {j + 1}:", type=["pdf"])
        if cal_cert_file is not None:
            st.warning("Please upload the file to proceed.")
            break  # Break loop if file is not uploaded

# If all required files are uploaded including calibration certificates
if len(uploaded_files) == len(file_types) + cal_cert_num:
    st.success("All files uploaded successfully!")
    st.write("Now click the 'Generate Report' button to proceed.")
    if st.button("Generate Report"):
    st.warning("Please upload all required files to proceed.")

def main():
Display Streamlit updates and handle the chat interface.
# Sidebar for Mode Selection
mode =“Select Mode:”, options=[“Latest Updates”, “IQOQ Chatbot Assistant”, “MQ IQOQ Report Generator”], index=1)
use_langchain = st.sidebar.checkbox("Use LangChain OpenAI Adapter :parrot::link: ", value=False)

# Handle Chat and Update Modes:
if mode == "IQOQ Chatbot Assistant":
    st.title("IQOQ AI Assistant")
    chat_input = st.text_input("Ask me about IQOQ Streamlit updates:")
    if st.button("Submit"):
        latest_updates = load_IQOQ_streamlit_updates()
        assistant_reply = on_chat_submit(chat_input, api_key, latest_updates, use_langchain)

elif mode == "MQ IQOQ Report Generator":
    st.title("MQ IQOQ Report Generator")
## Introduction
Welcome to the MQ IQOQ Report Generator mode. In this mode, you can generate an MQ IQOQ report based on the provided data files.

**Bot Generator Concept**:
The bot is created by python script with the logic,conversion,arrangement in sequence concept based on the history data trained. Engineer applied the logical report overall concept under the code. **No data is stored** in the online and database.
### Steps to Generate the Report:
1. **Upload Data Files**: Upload the required data files for the report. You need to upload six files in Word or PDF format.
    **First** -     IQOQ in MS Word
    **Second** -    IQOQ Raw Data in MS Word
    **Third** -     Training Certs in Pdf
    **Forth** -     Update the number of cal cert available then upload one by one in pdf.
2. **Click the Generate Button**: Click the "Generator IQOQ Button".
3. **Report Generating**: Report is generating and it may take some time to generate
4. **View/download Report**: Once generated, view the report output by click the button "Download".

**Let's get started by uploading the data files**.

    # Start button
    if st.button("Start"):
        # Logic to start the report generation process


if name == “main”:

could kindly help me out ?

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