Hello All,
I am trying to use file_uploader method of streamlit inside an if condition. Basically, if login details are verified, a file_uploader option needs to arise which is working well, the main problem is after I upload a file, the file_uploader widget is vanishing. Surprisingly, this happens only when I am inside an if condition. When using file:_uploader, it works normally.
Please let me know if u have a solution for this.
Hi @Harish_Kodarapu,
How are you handling the login ? I think due to script re-run the login might be resetting to False resulting in vanishing file_uploader,
Is your implementation something similar to this ?
import streamlit as st
def check_login(username):
return username == "ash2shukla"
def main():
file = st.file_uploader("test")
if file:
username = st.text_input("enter username")
if check_login(username):
It works fine on my end with the above snipped.
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Hi, My code is the following
option = st.selectbox(‘Select One’, [‘None’, ‘Test label originality’, ‘Train with new label’], index = 0)
ph1 = st.empty()
ph2 = st.empty()
ph3 = st.empty()
if option != ‘None’:
username = ph1.text_input('username')
password = ph2.text_input('password', type= 'password')
if ph3.button('Click'):
if username == 'u' and password == 'u':
fil = ph1.file_uploader('Upload')
When the file uploader pops up, it vanishes automtically.
Basically, I want to remove username and password text_input widgets when the credentials are correct and then display file_uploader.
They are working correctly but after the file has been uploaded, the username and password widgets are reappearing over the file uploader.
@Harish_Kodarapu You dont really need the button there. Its “clicked state” gets reset on re-run.
Try running the script without it and it will run just fine 
Ps. you can see my above snippet works, but if I changed it to this,
import streamlit as st
def check_login(username):
return username == "ash2shukla"
def main():
file = st.file_uploader("test")
if file:
username = st.text_input("enter username")
if st.button("Click me"):
if check_login(username):
It will start showing the behavior you just mentioned,
@ash2shukla Thankyou for the answer.
One more request is, I want my username text_input also to go away after the credentials being matched.
This should take care of it 
import streamlit as st
def check_login(username):
return username == "ash2shukla"
def main():
file = st.file_uploader("test")
if file:
username_placeholder = st.empty()
username = username_placeholder.text_input("Username goes here")
if check_login(username):
Just empty the element. It will look like this,
thankyou so much. I was also trying similar kind of technique using empty(), but somehow that didnt work. Thankyou so much.
Hey @ash2shukla this snippet is not working for me. As soon as I upload a file, the file_uploader widget just vanishes. The issue is the first if condition (st.button). It works perfectly fine without it.
Streamlit version = 0.87.0
@pbudania Yes, I had added that snippet to reproduce the issue that @Harish_Kodarapu was having,
the solution is File_uploader vanishing - #6 by ash2shukla