Hi Mathcatsand ,
Thank you so much for your response. I would be happy if I can resolve this issue.
The application allows the user to choose a table via a dropdown menu and then gives them the ability to modify the table (edit, insert, delete rows).
With st.data_editor
, it’s not possible to filter the data. Given that the tables are large, I would like to have a filter. I have coded a filter with dropdown menus that include the column names and the unique values in each column.
The idea is to filter the data saved in a DataFrame called filtered_data
and then edit it with st.data_editor
The problem is that every time I change the filter, the previous modifications are lost.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Below is my script:
import streamlit as st
from snowflake.snowpark.context import get_active_session
import pandas as pd
# Set page layout to wide
# Get the active session
session = get_active_session()
# List of tables
# Function to create backup table if it doesn't exist
def create_backup_table(table_name):
backup_table = f"{table_name}_BACKUP"
# Check if backup table exists
result = session.sql(check_query).collect()
if not result:
# Retrieve data from the original table
query_main_table = f"SELECT * FROM DB.BOX.{table_name}"
data_main_table = session.sql(query_main_table).to_pandas()
# Create backup table using write_pandas
session.write_pandas(data_main_table, table_name=backup_table, database="DB", schema="BOX", overwrite=True, auto_create_table=True)
st.info(f"Backup table {backup_table} created.", icon="ℹ️")
# Create backups for all tables if they don't exist
for table in tables:
# Dropdown menu to select a table
selected_table = st.selectbox("Select a table", tables)
# Print Title
st.subheader("Edit Data :")
# Retrieve data from the selected table
query_main_table = f"SELECT * FROM DB.BOX.{selected_table}"
data_main_table = session.sql(query_main_table).to_pandas()
# Get the list of columns
columns = data_main_table.columns.tolist()
# Allow user to select columns for filtering
selected_columns = st.multiselect("Select columns for filtering", columns)
# Filter data based on selected columns and values
filtered_data = data_main_table.copy()
for column in selected_columns:
unique_values = data_main_table[column].unique()
selected_values = st.multiselect(f"Select values for {column}", unique_values)
if selected_values:
filtered_data = filtered_data[filtered_data[column].isin(selected_values)]
# Display data in the Data Editor parm ,on_change= True
edited_data = st.data_editor(filtered_data, num_rows="dynamic", key="editor")
# Button to submit the changes to the main table
if st.button('Submit'):
# Merge modified data with original data
merged_data = data_main_table.merge(filtered_data, how="left", indicator=True)
# Update rows that have been modified
for index, row in edited_data.iterrows():
if merged_data.loc[index, '_merge'] == 'both':
merged_data.loc[index, merged_data.columns] = row
# Remove the merge indicator column
merged_data.drop(columns='_merge', inplace=True)
# Convert merged data to DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(merged_data)
# Insert the new data in the main table
session.write_pandas(df, table_name=selected_table, database="DB", schema="BOX", overwrite=True, auto_create_table=False)
st.success(f"Changes have been added to the table {selected_table}.", icon="✅")
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"An error occurred: {e}")
# Button to rollback the changes
if st.button('Rollback'):
# Delete data from the main table
query_delete_main_table = f"DELETE FROM DB.BOX.{selected_table}"
# Retrieve data from the backup table and insert into the main table
query_rollback = f"INSERT INTO DB.BOX.{selected_table} SELECT * FROM DB.BOX.{selected_table}_BACKUP"
st.success("Rollback performed successfully.", icon="✅")
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"An error occurred during rollback: {e}")
# Display the current table
data_main_table_updated = session.sql(query_main_table).to_pandas()
st.write(f"Current Table: {selected_table}")
st.dataframe(data_main_table_updated, use_container_width=True)