Flashcard app - Ignite Your Learning!

Hey folks!

I have created a simple flashcard application with Streamlit and Pandas.
This app allows users to add new flashcards, review flashcards, search for specific flashcards, and view all flashcards.

Streamlit cloud link: https://flashcard-app.streamlit.app
Repo link: GitHub - raman-r-4978/flashcard: Flashcard App written in Python using Streamlit

I welcome suggestions and feedback for enhancing this app. Your comments are appreciated!


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Hey! Thanks for the mention on the github. Few quick comments:

  1. Is it intentional that this is what I see when I enter the app?

  1. Should the app welcome the user in a more general way?

  2. It seems that the app aims to enhance the original idea of Streamlit’s flashcards.app Great to see that it was an inspiration for someone! :slight_smile:


Is it intentional that this is what I see when I enter the app?

No. Since there are no more items to review, UI has shown this.
Please add an item and it will appear in the Review page

Should the app welcome the user in a more general way?

Yes. That is something I need to work on. I have build this app for my personal use.
Didn’t think I would publish this for the general community. I will work on it.
Are there any pointers you could give? Since it involves creating user space, so on.

It seems that the app aims to enhance the original idea of Streamlit’s Great to see that it was an inspiration for someone! :slight_smile:


I added an item but it never showed up for review.