Force a new share preview?

I was looking at this thread (How to refresh page preview?) and it appears that once the initial share preview has been generated, it can take multiple days for it to refresh. However, the official docs say it should only take up to 24 hours: Share previews - Streamlit Docs.

I created an app and initially had it set to private, at which point the share preview displayed a “Not found” preview. Even after changing it to public visibility, the share preview hasn’t changed in the last day. Is there a way to force it to re-crawl/update?

Hi, I was wondering if there were any updates on this? My preview still hasn’t updated and it’s now been close to a week.

Hey @jaypinho ,

If you’re trying to reload or refresh your preview page, Streamlit allows Javascript code snippets to be inserted. Check this similar issue below: How to embed javascript into streamlit?

I would also suggest trying to rebuild your app with the Streamlit JavaScript Component: streamlit-javascript · PyPI

Hi @DevTechJr, I’m not sure I follow. How does JS embedding affect the share preview shown on Twitter, etc.?

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