Freeze pane functionality

I’d like to create an app with the functionality to freeze the pane below a plot (similar to Excel).

Here is some sample code:

import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st

pd_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'col_1': [10, 20, 30, 40],
    'idx_1': [1, 2, 3, 4]

pd_df.set_index('idx_1', inplace=True)








Currently when you scroll down on the app, the line chart goes away from your view. I’d like to be able to always display the line chart, and scroll down through all the dataframes below the line chart (by inserting a bold line below the line chart.)

Hope my question makes sense, Thanks,

ah,it’s very similar to my situation. What I want was a fixed header. You have to use st.write("some_html_CSS_stuff",unsafe_allow_html=True) at present. But streamlit team is now planning to add customizable layout as a key feature. See: Are you using HTML in Markdown? Tell us why!
And this is my issue: Is it possible to add a fixed sticky header like sidebar to streamlit?


Hi @Zen,

Currently that’s not supported in Streamlit, but we are working on Customizable Layout for Streamlit.
In the meantime (as @xzrokeman mentioned) you can hack your way around a solution by using st.markdown.
Please feel free to let us know if you need any additional help!

thanks for replying @kantuni and @xzrokeman , I haven’t been able to get a hack based on st.markdown to work cleanly, I need to spend some more time on this, will get back on this thread, thanks again for replying,