Gemma's activation function should be approximate GeLU and not exact GeLU, Error running app

In my streamlit app(mentioned below), I’m getting an error which goes like:

Gemma's activation function should be approximate GeLU and not exact GeLU.

Changing the activation function to `gelu_pytorch_tanh`.if you want to use the legacy `gelu`, edit the `model.config` to set `hidden_activation=gelu` instead of `hidden_act`. See for more details.
[17:17:20] ❗️ The service has encountered an error while checking the health of the Streamlit app: Get "http://localhost:8501/script-health-check": EOF

And after getting this, my streamit app is saying:

Oh no.
Error running app. If you need help, try the Streamlit docs and forums.

My app’s link:

Can please someone suggest me how to approach this issue…:pray:
Thanks is advance.

Hey @Rishi-spec-art . If possilbe could you post the logs of the app?? It helps us to understand where your application getting error!!

Yes definitely, you can see the logs here:

Thanks in advance…:pray: