Get Active Directory authentification data


I am deploying a streamlit app as an azure webapp to azure.
I succesfully configured Active Directory to handle user sign-in and then redirect to my app.
Now I would like to access the name of the user that signed in to store it together with the entered data of the user in a database.

The method that I found to get the user name is to run this javascript snippet in my browser console:

.then(function(response) {
return response.json().then(body => console.log(body));

However, I am unsure how I could access this data on the python side where the database entries are made.
Do I need to make a small custom component for this which runs the snippet and sends it to the python backend?

EDIT: theoretically I could make that rest API call also on the server side directly if I could access the authentification token of the user session, but I could only find an open thread about how to access request headers: Pass user HTTP request headers along to Python · Issue #1083 · streamlit/streamlit · GitHub

EDIT EDIT: I found this: Allow arbitrary Javascript code blocks (e.g. Google Analytics) · Issue #969 · streamlit/streamlit · GitHub
So apparently a custom component is the way to go.

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this is exactly the same problem that I have! Did you solve it in the meantime?
Maybe we can work together. I tried using the microsoft authentication library (msal) for python.
It works to some extent…

Azure populates some environment variables that I retrieved, I defined the others:

AUTHORITY = "<some code here (client or App ID?)>"

I then instantiate the client app:

client_app = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
    CLIENT_ID, authority=AUTHORITY,

I manage to receive a bearer or access token, telling me that someone authenticated, but not who.

result = client_app.acquire_token_for_client(scopes=APPLICATION_PERMISSIONS)
token = result['access_token']
token_decoded = base64.b64decode(token)

I am stuck requesting an id token to actually identify the authenticated user. I guess that you do it like this (I defined the scope in the azure portal):

auth_code_flow = client_app.initiate_auth_code_flow(scopes=[""])
id_token = client_app.acquire_token_by_auth_code_flow(auth_code_flow, auth_response={})

However, I have no idea what the auth_response dict should contain. The msal documentation is not at all explicit about this. It just says:

auth_response (dict) – A dict of the query string received from auth server.

I found this on stackoverflow, but the answers are as cryptic to me…

Yeah I did find a solution to read the user email from the http headers:

import streamlit as st
from streamlit.script_run_context import get_script_run_ctx
from streamlit.server.server import Server

def read_aad_username():
    session_id = get_script_run_ctx().session_id
    session_info = Server.get_current()._get_session_info(session_id)
    headers =

    headers = headers._dict

    if "X-Ms-Client-Principal-Name" in headers:
        username = headers["X-Ms-Client-Principal-Name"]
        st.write(f"Logged in as {username}")
        st.warning(f"could not directly read username from azure active directory.")
        username = None
    return username

If you need more info about the user then you have to send a query to the “/.auth/me” endpoint with the auth-token in the http header. You will also have to give your apps’ service principal the necessary rights to read that data about the user.
However, if you are running a Linux WebApp in azure, be aware of a current bug in active directory which makes it necessary for users to delete browser cookies after a restart: Restarting Azure App Service on Linux with Azure Active Directory authentication resets /.auth/me/

import streamlit as st
from streamlit_javascript import st_javascript

def read_aad_username():
    js_code = """(await fetch("/.auth/me")
    .then(function(response) {return response.json();}).then(function(body) {return body;}))

    return_value = st_javascript(js_code)

    username = None
    if return_value == 0:
        pass # this is the result before the actual value is returned 
    elif isinstance(return_value, list) and len(return_value) > 0:
        username = return_value[0]["user_id"]
        st.write(f"Logged in as {username}")
        st.warning(f"could not directly read username from azure active directory: {return_value}.")
        st.warning(f"A workaround to this is to clear your browser cookies for this site and reloading it.")
    return username

But that is only needed if you need to know more than just the user email address in which case the first version is enough.

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This works!
Great, muchas gracias!

At least the first version works in reading only the username.
The other one always fails, even if I delete all cookies and user incognito browsing mode.
But I am good for now with only the username!

for the second one to work your web-app will need to be configured with the correct permissions, otherwise you will always get an empty list from the /.auth/me endpoint.

Relying on a HTTP header such as X-Ms-Client-Principal-Name to carry identity information is not secure - they can be faked so, so easily, and in effect impersonate a user.

If you are using Azure Active Directory you can configure your App Registration to include user identification in the Access Token - see Provide optional claims to Azure AD apps - Microsoft Entra | Microsoft Docs - specifically the email claim.

Then, as long as you have a valid token from the issuer you are expecting (i.e. Microsoft and specifically your tenant), you can get the email claim from the access token returned by acquire_token_by_auth_code_flow.

In the code you quote above, acquire_token_for_client doesn’t, I think, get the token you are expecting - this method is for offline daemon apps (e.g. system components) to authenticate, NOT authenticating on behalf of a user. You should be using acquire_token_by_auth_code_flow if you are expecting to authorize on behalf of an authenticated user.

Hi @Kevin_Dixon, thank you very much for your input.
While I also don’t like relying on http headers, it seemed to be the most robust solution for my usecase due to the Microsoft bug mentioned before.

Regarding the fakability of the X-Ms-Client-Principal-Name header, I’m no specialist regarding that but it isn’t set by the client but by the app-service-auth-session wrapper based on the Active Directory login that the user is using. Can you describe how you would fake that?

Hi @thunderbug1 without getting too much into the dark arts, its very simple with browser development tools or indeed cli tools as simple as curl to modify headers. With token in hand for a user, it would be a simple deal to use that token but modify the header and thus pretend to be another user (all this outside of Streamlit).

Not tried it, so you never know I might be wrong. But… you have a secure and verifiable token, so why not use that to carry your identity information.

yeah, I think just setting it in the client request wouldn’t work. This is what the documentation says about it:

Access user claims in app code

For all language frameworks, App Service makes the claims in the incoming token (whether from an authenticated end user or a client application) available to your code by injecting them into the request headers. External requests aren’t allowed to set these headers, so they are present only if set by App Service. Some example headers include:


Code that is written in any language or framework can get the information that it needs from these headers.

So I am still feeling good about the solution with the http header.

Did anyone find a sustainable solution for this?

Check the second to last item in the announcement of Streamlit 1.14.0.

Hey Goyo - thanks for your prompt reply. However, I can’t really figure out, how this helps me authentication the end user with Microsoft Active Directory? Can you be a little me specific?


IIUC you can find the required data in the request headers, and that has been addressed (to a certain extent) in Streamlit 1.14.

There are other issues discussed in the thread but they are not directly related to Streamlit.

Hi Mikkel,

If you just want something basic like the logged in user email this should be enough (in version 1.14+):

from streamlit.web.server.websocket_headers import _get_websocket_headers

headers = _get_websocket_headers()

if "X-Ms-Client-Principal-Name" in headers:
    user_email = headers["X-Ms-Client-Principal-Name"]

st.write(headers) # have a look at what else is in the dict

I have not yet figured out how to access app roles and such though. I assume you would have to delve into the Azure AD / MSAL documentation, maybe someone else here is up to speed.

I know I am a little late to the party, but since I wanted an authentication component for Streamlit myself (and could not immediately find something that did what I wanted), I ended up making one myself:

  1. GitHub - mstaal/msal_streamlit_authentication: MSAL Streamlit Component
  2. msal-streamlit-authentication · PyPI

It’s based on Microsoft’s own MSAL.JS library, and it can be configured like its Javascript equivalent from the Python side. In particular, it supports Azure AD (as well as the Open ID Connect protocol in general). Once a user is logged in, the component returns the entire login token to Streamlit, allowing users to use whatever pieces (like the access token) if one wants to do this. I guess it can also be used to manipulate the Streamlit session.

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I have updated the Readme of the above mentioned repo so that it is clearer how it is used.

Thanks for this one, but I have trouble getting a token from this. Upon clicking the Login button, it opens a new tab and authenticates, but the streamlit page doesn’t get updated to show the token. Am I doing something wrong with the redirect URI? or it should be set to '' as it is.

As illustrated in the README on Github, the token will (once it is set after a valid login) live in the dictionary corresponding to the python component object. You can then use the contents of the the token however you want (for instance to display your username or to invoke an API that requries an Access token).

Do you know what could be the reason for getting an error AADSTS9002326: Cross-origin token redemption is permitted only for the ‘Single-Page Application’ client-type. Request origin: when trying to login?

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