I am employing the latest streamlit elements component to build a filtering mechanism using select boxes. I am trying to store and retrieve the data from the selectboxes though when using the method highlighted in the docs, I get an error "KeyError 'target'"
The code employed:
from streamlit_elements import elements, mui, html
with elements("dashboard"):
from streamlit_elements import dashboard
from streamlit_elements import nivo
layout = [
# Parameters: element_identifier, x_pos, y_pos, width, height, [item properties...]
dashboard.Item("first_item", 2, 0, 5, 2, isResizable=False),# isDraggable=False, moved=False),
if "my_text" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.my_text = ""
# When text field changes, this function will be called.
# To know which parameters are passed to the callback,
# you can refer to the element's documentation.
def handle_change(event):
st.session_state.my_text = event.target.value
charts = ['Bar chart', 'Scatter chart', 'Line Chart']
chart_v = ['b', 's', 'l']
with dashboard.Grid(layout):
with mui.Paper(elevation=5, square=True, key='first_item'):
with mui.Box(width="47%", key="type of chart"):
with mui.TextField(label='Type of chart', sx={'margin-left':'4%', 'margin-top':'2%'}, select=True, fullWidth=True, value=st.session_state['my_text'], onChange=handle_change):
for chart, c_v in zip(charts, chart_v):
mui.MenuItem(chart, value=c_v)
The above gives me this error:
I have tried:
- Did not include the value parameter in the
element - Instead of st.session_state.my_text, I used a hard coded
to no avail.
Any reason why this is not working and how can I amend it? It works when I use it as a plain text field but not a select box element.