Getting the screen dimensions and changing the layout depending on the orientation

I wanted to set a wide layout for portrait and centered layout for landscape using Streamlit-JS-Eval.
I post below my solution with a little spinner, sleep and toast.
Implemented for my profile page.

from streamlit_js_eval import streamlit_js_eval
from time import sleep
sss = st.session_state

def check_layout():
    '''With JS evaluation script, gets the width and height of the device.
    Sleep a little to get the values from JS.
    Then define a layout state depending on which is bigger.
    width = streamlit_js_eval(js_expressions='screen.width')
    height = streamlit_js_eval(js_expressions='screen.height')
    if width is not None and height is not None:
        sss['layout'] = "wide" if width < height else "centered"

def once_set_layout():
    '''Search for the device layout and rerun once set.
    if 'layout' not in sss:
        with st.spinner('Checking your device layout...'):

def once_layout_toast():
    if 'layout_toasted' not in sss:
        st.toast(f"{'Narrow' if sss['layout'] == 'wide' else 'Wide'} layout detected.")
        sss['layout_toasted'] = True

def __main__():
    state = st.set_page_config(
    once_layout_toast()"The layout is set as {sss['layout']}")

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