Getting ValueError for st.text_input

I definitely think the error is occurring with the line
label = “Enter a weibo id between 0 and " + str(max_num_weibos - 1) + " to find similar weibos:”

Have you replaced it with a simple string to confirm?

label = 'A plain string, just to test my variable is not having problems rendering as a string'

No I have no I can try

Also, looks like your code is locally pointing to model files, so I can’t run the code. Sorry.

I can share them if needed

If you’d like me to take a look… :smiley: I did spin up a complete virtual environment to test out your code, so as long as I’m here… :wink:

Yeah glad to bc I am really getting desperate here lol

I can add the excel files to my github

Files have been uploaded to my github

Still missing an excel file: freeweibo-09-15-2022.xlsx

oh sorry one sec


Looks like it isn’t encoded in utf-8…do you know what codec you used or better yet can you re-save it with utf-8?

which file?

re-saved the the freeweibo file as UTF-8

Unfortunately, I am having some issue with the character set…

I don’t think that is as much an issue since wouldn’t be more import to identify the code that is breaking the whole thing? Unless not having the right character set wont allow you to go further.

The trouble is that the code breaks repeatedly because there aren’t checks to make sure it is working on non-empty results at each step. I can play a little to see if I can get it to go to the end and find out if it still errors, but that puts me at quite a deviation from how the code is executing for you…

ok I am trying to troubleshoot as well.

OK so I may have found the error I got this error for this line of code.
weibo_input = st.number_input(label, 0, max_num_weibos-1, value=0, step=1, key=‘weibo_input’)

I got this error.
StreamlitAPIException : The default value of 0 must lie between the min_value of 0 and the max_value of -1, inclusively.