Error when using st.text_input()


I am trying to make a simple app that could be used to multiply two integers (by using random numbers):

from random import randint
import streamlit as st

x = randint(1, 10)
y =  randint(1, 10)
result = x * y
st.write(x, ' * ', y , '= ') #, x*y)

answer = int(st.text_input('Please enter your answer ', 1))

st.write('Your answer is', answer)
st.write('The correct answer is', result)

if  answer == result:
    st.success('Your answer is correct!')
	st.warning("OOOPS, please try again!")

When I run the code it gives me “OOOPS, please try again!”, as shown in the figures:

I think the problem comes from this statement answer = int(st.text_input('Please enter your answer ', 1)). Could anybody help, please?

Hi @Yasser_Mustafa. Welcome to the community!! :wave:

The problem is that Streamlit will rerun yours script from top to bottom each time, which means that x and y will get new random values each time the script is executed. You can fix that by using st.cache.

You might also consider using st.number_input instead of st.text_input.

That means your code would look like this:

from random import randint
import streamlit as st

def get_two_random_numbers():
    x = randint(1, 10)
    y = randint(1, 10)
    return x, y
x, y = get_two_random_numbers()
result = x * y
st.write(x, ' * ', y , '= ') #, x*y)

answer = st.number_input('Please enter your answer ', 1)

st.write('Your answer is', answer)
st.write('The correct answer is', result)

if  answer == result:
    st.success('Your answer is correct!')
	st.warning("OOOPS, please try again!")

Thanks for using Streamlit! :balloon:

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Thank you very much@Adrien_Treuille, I really like Streamlit.