Google Earth

Hey I think it would be really cool to be able to show google earth KML’s in streamlit!

This would help with geospatial applications using streamlit.

Hey @kurt-rhee, thanks for the suggestion! Is your request to display the KML like we do with dicts (so that you can inspect the file) or actually do some sort of plot?


I peronsally would like to do some sort of plotting. I can do some plotting of geojson in plotly, but it seems to bug out when zooming out. I think being able to display KML with a google earth embedment would solve my problem. I wasn’t sure if it was a streamlit issue or a plotly issue so I created github issues on both libraries.

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Thanks, filing an issue is definitely the first step :+1:

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I didn’t put anything in there about google earth as an alternative, would you like me to?

That’s okay, Google Earth should probably stay separate from the bug report for Plotly.

You can try out the leafmap package. It supports any geopandas supported vector format, including KML. See notebook example: 10 add vector - leafmap

import leafmap
m = leafmap.Map()
in_kml = '../data/us-states.kml'
m.add_kml(in_kml, layer_name="KML")

Check out the leafmap web app.