Grid of images with the same height?

Hi @vclugoar,

First, Welcome to the Streamlit community! :partying_face: :partying_face: :tada: :star2: :tada:

I think your nearly there on a solution honestly! My first question is will you be recommending the same number of books each time? I see 8 books recommended, 2 rows of 4, If that number is the same always, then I think we can work out a relatively simple solution using columns.

I have done something similar to this before in this post:

In your case, you don’t need the st.beta_container(), just the st.beta_columns(). I also think my answer here could be improved by making a list/iterable of the filtered images (I think that’s your image names?) that has the correct shape…

For example, if you always recommend 8 then you have 4 columns and 2 rows. So you would make a list/iterable like this:

list = [[column_1_row_1_image, column_1_row_2_image ], 
          [column_2_row_1_image, column_2_row_2_image],
          [column_3_row_1_image, column_3_row_2_image],
          [column_4_row_1_image, column_4_row_2_image] ]

and then you can systematically select the correct image this way!

This will line all the images up by their tops, but won’t make all the images the same height. The only way to do that is to run some image processing (Streamlit won’t crop your images off for you).

But, people expect books (and covers) to be different sizes, So I think if you can get them lining up at the tops and nice and clean then this will look a lot better and solve your problem!

Happy Streamlit-ing!