HELP! unable to deploy my streamlit website. I keep getting file not found

I keep getting the file not found error when trying to deploy from streamlit. But i have all the files in the folder and on github so i dont know why. PLEASE HELP. thank you

Here is my folder root where the files are saved on my comp

here is how the deployment looks

finally this is the error I keep getting

I am new to coding soo small words please lol. But really any help would be huge I have watched many youtube videos and followed there steps to a tee and still cannot deploy

Avoid space in your py file.

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hello ferdy, when trying this I get this error

hey Ferdy,
that did push through but now I have this error after that page

You need to have requirements.txt file. On it, you have to list your app’s dependencies. Put this file in the same folder with your main python file.


# add other libraries that your app needs.

I added this now I get this error message with the message notes below. Also really appreciate your help!

[13:46:49] ❗️ installer returned a non-zero exit code
[13:46:49] ❗️ Error during processing dependencies! Please fix the error and push an update, or try restarting the app.
[13:48:27] ❗️ Streamlit server consistently failed status checks
[13:48:27] ❗️ Please fix the errors, push an update to the git repo, or reboot the app.

Try to reboot the app.


I tried this but no luck I got these same errors so far. I am so thankful for all your help. Any other ideas?

ERROR: Invalid requirement: 'import requests==2.31.0' (from line 3 of /mount/src/leader/requirements.txt)
Checking if Streamlit is installed


[18:42:21] ❗️ installer returned a non-zero exit code
[18:42:21] ❗️ Error during processing dependencies! Please fix the error and push an update, or try restarting the app.
[18:43:59] ❗️ Streamlit server consistently failed status checks
[18:43:59] ❗️ Please fix the errors, push an update to the git repo, or reboot the app.

Show me your requirements.txt.

hey it went through!! but I lost my color of the background when its not deployed. Like the background color disapearerd. also appreicate your help Lets Grow Together Β· Streamlit (

the previous issue in the requirements folder was I didnt have requests correct I had it as import request

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It seems like you are double posting the same topic or related topic. Don’t do this next time.

i didnt think I did, my issue is with the color of the website not deploying, but appreciate your help up to the point

Are you still having problems with the app pointing to the for your homepage?

Hey friend!! I actually have encountered another issue. Someone was kind enough to help me with this One. My new issue is when I deploy the website it looses its color scheme it has before it has been deployed and also the website won’t appear on mobile only in the computer. Would you know any reasons for that! Appreciate your time

Hello. You might give the following a try:

I just responded your post about deploying apps to Streamlit Community Cloud. I think that might help with some of the problems you’ve encountered as there are a few gotchas that can make the deployment process a little difficult.

Hope this helps.

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