I created a Plotly pie chart with a few parameters and it displays a nice static pie chart. However when I try to add a slider, I only get errors, no doubt because my structure/syntax is incorrect.
Two questions:
Is what I’m trying to do possible - filter on only three types of ‘Fuel_Types’ (ELEC, HYBR, PHEV) and add a slider for the ‘Model_Year’ so a user can move the slider to any year and see the percentages of each (well, ‘count’ but Plotly Pie chart automatically converts to percentages, which is fine).
if yes, what am I doing incorrectly? I commented out the code for the slider, that’s most likely the problem area
Here is the code:
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
import streamlit as st
#Import File:
df = pd.read_csv(r'/home/mike/Environments/Streamlit/Data/eCars.csv').query("Model_Year == 2023").query("Fuel_Code in ['ELEC']")#, 'HYBR', 'PHEV'
df = df.groupby(['Manufacturer']).size().reset_index(name='Total')
#Add Slider:
#all_years = df["Model_Year"] #tried: df.Model_Year.unique() and df["Model_Year"] and others
#selected_years = st.slider("Model_Year", all_years)
#filtered_df = df[df["Model_Year"].isin(selected_years)]
fig = px.pie(filtered_df, values='Total', names='Manufacturer', title="EV Totals 1993 - 2023",)
st.plotly_chart(fig, theme=None)
The file is in my github GitHub - mike-ua/Streamlit-Data
- running locally
- app is not deployed:
- app not on Github yet (locally only)
- Python 3.10.13, Streamlit 1.28.1