Hide/Disable button HELP!

I’m making an app and I have a problem, I want one button to check if the answer is correct and then I want to Hide/Disable the button because otherwise, you can press the check answer button how many times you want to get super many points. I have made a similar example to this to show you.

import streamlit as st

if "score" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["score"] = 0
user_answer = st.number_input("1 + 1")

if st.button("Check answer"):
    if user_answer == 2:
        st.session_state["score"] += 1
        st.write("Correct! Score: " + str(st.session_state["score"]))
        st.write("Wrong! Score: " + str(st.session_state["score"]))
    #Hide/disable button

Thankful for help! :smiley:

Here is a sample scheme. Just see the comments in the code.

import streamlit as st
import time

# Create a session variable to disable number input and 
# button widgets when answer is correct.
if 'q1_disabled' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.q1_disabled = False

# Define score session variable to keep track of score.
if "score" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["score"] = 0

# Reset the disabled states of widgets.
with st.expander('RESET'):
    if st.button("Reset"):
        st.session_state.q1_disabled = False

# Define disabled parameter.
user_answer = st.number_input("1 + 1", disabled=st.session_state.q1_disabled)

# Define disabled parameter.
if st.button("Check answer", disabled=st.session_state.q1_disabled):
    if user_answer == 2:
        st.session_state["score"] += 1
        st.write("Correct! Score: " + str(st.session_state["score"]))
        st.session_state.q1_disabled = True

        # Sleep for 3 sec to see the message Correct! ....

        # Rerun the code from top to bottom to show the button
        # and number input widgets in a disabled states.

        st.write("Wrong! Score: " + str(st.session_state["score"]))

Image in a disabled state.


number input
experimental rerun

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That is good! I know that as well, but for some reason I have to press it two times before it freezes, and then you can get 2 points but you should get 1. :thinking:

Ahh that is cheating :grinning: A quick fix is to disable sleep.

Another approach without rerun, but using callback.

import streamlit as st

# Create a session variable to disable number input and 
# button widgets when answer is correct.
if 'q1_disabled' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state.q1_disabled = False

# Define score session variable to keep track of score.
if "score" not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state["score"] = 0

def cb(ans):
    """Check Answer button callback"""
    if ans == 2:
        st.session_state.q1_disabled = True

# Reset the disabled states of widgets.
with st.expander('RESET'):
    if st.button("Reset"):
        st.session_state.q1_disabled = False

# Define disabled parameter.
user_answer = st.number_input("1 + 1", disabled=st.session_state.q1_disabled)

# Define disabled parameter.
st.button("Check answer",

if st.session_state.btn:
    if user_answer == 2:
        st.session_state["score"] += 1
        st.write("Correct! Score: " + str(st.session_state["score"]))
        st.write("Wrong! Score: " + str(st.session_state["score"]))


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