Im writting a simple python application where the user selects a file from their local file manager and tries to upload using strealit
Im able to succesfully take the file the user had given using streamlit.uploader and stored the file in a temp directory from the stramlit app folder but the issue is i cant give the path of the file of the file stored in the newly created directory in order to send the application into my gcp clouds bucket
Adding my snippet below any help is appreciated
def main():
if file is not None:
file_details = {"FileName","FileType":file.type}
with open(os.path.join("tempDir",,"wb") as f:
st.success("Saved File")
print (
file_dir= ("tempDir")
def upload():
file_name = os.path.join(file_dir,
st.write (file_name)
st.session_state["upload_state"] = "Saved successfully!"
object_name_in_gcs_bucket = bucket.blob("gcp-bucket-destination-path"+
st.write ("Youre uploading to bucket",bucketName)
st.button("Upload file to GoogleCloud", on_click=upload)
if __name__ == "__main__":
ive tried importing the path of the file using cwd command and also tried os library for file path but nothing worked