Horizontally align `st.text_input` and `st.form_submit_button` in `st.form` in the same line

Hi all, as the title suggests, I would like to have st.text_input and st.form_submit_button lie in the same line. Currently, my code looks like this:

instr = 'Hi there! Enter what you want to let me know here.'
with st.form('chat_input_form'):
    if (prompt := st.text_input(
    )) and st.form_submit_button('Chat'):
        # Do something with the inputted text heere

Right now, the submit button is below rather than horizontally next to the input box. Is there any way to have st.text_input and st.form_submit_button in the same line?

Hi @Night_Starry,

Thanks for posting!

You can use columns to get the design that you described. Here’s an example code to do that:

import streamlit as st

instr = 'Hi there! Enter what you want to let me know here.'

with st.form('chat_input_form'):
    # Create two columns; adjust the ratio to your liking
    col1, col2 = st.columns([3,1]) 

    # Use the first column for text input
    with col1:
        prompt = st.text_input(
    # Use the second column for the submit button
    with col2:
        submitted = st.form_submit_button('Chat')
    if prompt and submitted:
        # Do something with the inputted text here
        st.write(f"You said: {prompt}")

It will look something like this:

I hope you find this helpful.

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Thank you! Do you know how to make the extra space right next to the Chat button go away?

Which extra space? Within the Chat button box?

Like the white space next to the Chat button (see the image I posted).

Hi Tony, sorry to bother you, but have you had a chance to look into my issue? I actually have a scheduled upcoming presentation, and I’d really appreciate it if you could provide me with some hints to fix it.

Please adjust the relative size of the columns like so:

col1, col2 = st.columns([9,1]) 

To get output:

Full code below with adjustment based on code from @tonykip:

import streamlit as st

instr = 'Hi there! Enter what you want to let me know here.'

with st.form('chat_input_form'):
    # Create two columns; adjust the ratio to your liking
    col1, col2 = st.columns([9,1]) 

    # Use the first column for text input
    with col1:
        prompt = st.text_input(
    # Use the second column for the submit button
    with col2:
        submitted = st.form_submit_button('Chat')
    if prompt and submitted:
        # Do something with the inputted text here
        st.write(f"You said: {prompt}")

Note: you can use whatever numbers including large numbers to get your desired alignment in Streamlit, for example:

col1, col2 = st.columns([300, 145]) 

Please mark this as solution if this worked for you. Otherwise please note what is still an issue!

Wow, that works like a charm. Thank you! Now I feel stupid for not trying this earlier.

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