How can i clear st.write so that it does not keep on adding unnecessary text

if links:
    st.write("Extracting information from the profile...")
    for link in links:

        driver.get(link)  # Navigate to the profile link
        time.sleep(random.uniform(2.0, 5.0))
        extract_details(item, driver)  # Extract the details of the profile
        time.sleep(random.uniform(2.0, 5.0))

        extract_current_info(item, driver)  # Extract the contact information of the profile
        time.sleep(random.uniform(2.0, 5.0))

        extract_contact_info(item, driver)  # Extract the current information of the profile
        # Display the extracted information

what i want is that st.write should not keep adding the text/link below instead the links gets updated only, is there a way that i can do it or can empty the st.write so that there is only one link at a time

Try st.empty.