How can I do to set font size of text in st.columns.subheader?

with st.container(border = True):

  col1, col2 = st.columns(2, gap = 'medium', vertical_alignment = 'center')

  with col1: 
    col1.subheader('Name of enterprise')
    col1.metric('Name', 'Banana Games')
    col1.metric('CNPJ', 123)    
  with col2:
    col2.subheader('Name of business person')        
    col2.metric('Name', 'Alice String')
    col2.metric('Age', 28)

st.title, st.header, and st.subheader are just wrappers around markdown. Each of them can be rendered equivalently with st.markdown as follows (plus a few more sizes available in markdown):

import streamlit as st

st.markdown("# AAA")

st.markdown("## BBB")

st.markdown("### CCC")

st.markdown("#### DDD")
st.markdown("##### EEE")
st.markdown("###### FFF")

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Good idea! Thanks!