Hi developers!
Hope you are well.
I am trying to develop a solution to click on buttons present in every row of a column so that I can perform certain operation using the information present in that row.
But I am finding this difficult to do. If anyone knows how to achieve this, please let me know how to do.
Thank you.
Perhaps you can try assigning a unique key
to each button. Here’s a starter code that you can adapt for your use case.
button1 = st.button(“This is button 1”, key=“btn1”)
button2 = st.button(“This is button 2”, key=“btn2”)
Then, you can also have another button that calls a callback function that switches the session state value corresponding to the buttons defined earlier by the button’s key (which also serves as a session state variable).
def click_all:
st.session_state.btn1 = True
st.session_state.btn2 = True
button_status = st.button(“Click all buttons”, on_click=click_all)
More info on Session states in the Docs page:
Hope this helps!
Thank you for your respose. Actually, I want this kind of result:
Yes exactly, the approach mentioned earlier could achieve this, where buttons have their own unique ID and as such could be called upon to perform unique operations when clicked on.
Hi, have you found any solution? I need to do such thing
I have not been able to put buttons in a streamlit dataframe as it does not support buttons in a cell. But alternatively you can use ag-grid which supports this. You also make use of st.container() and putting st.buttons() inside it with their unique keys.