How can I reset some changed with st.data_editor()

I want to declare a reset button(with st.button), when click this button, the df will reset. how can I do ?

You can change the unique key, i will erase the data_editor, and reset it :

       # Function to generate a unique random key
        def generate_random_key():
            return ''.join(random.choices(string.ascii_letters + string.digits, k=8))

        # If the unique key doesn't exist in session_state, create it
        if 'key_data_editor' not in st.session_state:
            st.session_state['key_data_editor'] = generate_random_key()

        # Render the data editor with the current key
        st.session_state['editor_data'] = st.data_editor('YOURDATAFRAME',

        # Reset the data editor by generating a new unique key and rerunning
        if st.button('reset data editor'):
            st.session_state['key_data_editor'] = generate_random_key()

thanks , that works

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