I am new to screenlit and I’ve created a sidebar button to generate a stock chart with a volume indicator (locally deployed). The problem is I can’t enlarge the chart, it’s not taking up all the screen size. I’ve tried to use the fig.update_layout(width=2000,height=500) line of code, but only height changed. Chart width was not affected. The code is below. The first image shows the code output and the second image is what I want it to look like. Would appreciate any suggestions.
import streamlit as st
from streamlit_echarts import st_echarts
import yfinance as yf
import pandas as pd
import plotly.io as pio
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
pio.templates.default = 'plotly'
st.sidebar.header('Chart Creator')
data = yf.download('SPY', start='2019-08-05')
data = data.drop(columns=['Adj Close'])
data['Date'] = data.index
def get_candlestick_plot(
df: pd.DataFrame):
fig = make_subplots(
rows = 2,
cols = 1,
shared_xaxes = True,
vertical_spacing = .1,
subplot_titles = (f'SPY Price', 'Volume'),
row_width = [.4, .8])
x = df['Date'],
open = df['Open'],
high = df['High'],
low = df['Low'],
close = df['Close'],
name = 'Candlestick chart'
row = 1,
col = 1)
go.Scatter(x = df['Date'], y = df['Volume'], name = 'Volume', line=dict(color='#4a86e8', width=2)),
row = 2,
col = 1)
fig['layout']['yaxis']['title'] = 'Price'
fig['layout']['yaxis2']['title'] = 'Volume'
rangebreaks = [{'bounds': ['sat', 'mon']}],
rangeslider_visible = False)
return fig
if st.sidebar.button('Generate Chart'):