I am building an app where once I press the button, it shows me the radio buttons with the options and the processed data on the dashboard, but as soon as I change the radio button option everything disappears. Ideally, I want it to show everything until I press the button again. I understand I can save the value of the selected radio button in session state but how to avoid the reset of the page?
The minimal code I can come up with is
import streamlit as st
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
def main():
next_button = st.button("Process", key='next_process_whatif')
if st.session_state.next_process_whatif:
# ------------------------------------------
choose_pred_lst = ['XZ']
for _dx in range(3):
_dx += 1
choose_pred_lst.append("YZ " + str(_dx))
x = st.radio('', choose_pred_lst, key="radio_select_whatif")
# ------------------------------------------
st.dataframe(pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(100, 4)), columns=list('ABCD')))