I’ve been working on a program that involves Whisper AI.
Whisper will show progress information to the console\terminal and I have no control over what is presented. I need to capture this information and progress to the user. There are no hook\callbacks from Whisper for the progress, It is simply presented to the console.
Console output
100%|█████████████████████████████| 370639/370639 [03:47<00:00, 1625.89frames/s]
The above progress is going to the console but my program is GUI and does not directly have access to the console information. I did however redirect the console output.
Redirected console output
98%|#########7| 362652/370639 [03:36<00:04, 1636.68frames/s]
99%|#########8]| 365340/370639 [03:38<00:03, 1635.98frames/s]
99%|#########9| 368164/370639 [03:40<00:01, 1601.73frames/s]
100%|##########| 370639/370639 [03:42<00:00, 1570.82frames/s]
100%|##########| 370639/370639 [03:42<00:00, 1668.54frames/s]
# Create a custom Streamlit component to capture stdout and stderr
class StreamlitOutputRedirector:
def __init__(self, placeholder):
self.buffer = ""
self.placeholder = placeholder
def write(self, text):
# Define a keyword to selectively redirect
keyword_to_redirect = "frames/s]"
# Check if the keyword is present in the text
if keyword_to_redirect in text:
# Redirect text containing the keyword to Streamlit
# sys.__stdout__.write(text) # Testing
# Split the input string at each "|"
split_elements = text.split("|")
left = split_elements[0].strip() # contains percentage complete
right = split_elements[2].strip() # contains "frames/s" information
newText = left + " | " + right
# self.setText(newText)
self.buffer += newText
# Print text without the keyword to the console
def flush(self):
# Display the captured output
self.placeholder.write(f"###### {self.buffer}") # markdown, write very small
self.buffer = ""
def clear(self):
# Clear the Streamlit screen by emptying the placeholder
def setText(self, newText):
# Write content into placeholder
# self.placeholder.write(newText) # normal writing
self.placeholder.write(f"###### {newText}") # markdown, write very small
def replacePlaceholder(self, newPlaceholder):
# Replace with the desired placeholder, which may not be initially known
self.placeholder = newPlaceholder
# Create an empty placeholder for dynamic content
output_placeholder = st.empty()
# Create an instance of the custom StreamlitOutputRedirector
output_redirector = StreamlitOutputRedirector(output_placeholder)
# Redirect stdout and stderr to the custom redirector
sys.stdout = output_redirector
sys.stderr = output_redirector
def transcribeAudio():
progress = st.sidebar.empty() # Create the desired placeholder for progress information
output_redirector.replacePlaceholder(progress) # Replace the existing placeholder
output_redirector.setText("0% complete") # Set the initial text
results = model.transcribe(tempTargetPath, fp16=False, word_timestamps = True, verbose=False)
# ***The progress bar will now automatically capture and update the "progress" place holder***
This doesn’t work perfectly.
The updates to the console are not capture perfectly and I don’t understand why.
It should capture every update from 0…100 but the output will skip numbers and sometimes may not capture when it arrives at 100%.
100% | 27262/27262 [00:22<00:00, 1194.91frames/s]
The output automatically updates from the redirected text to look like the above.
I have checked to see if possibly, the process is too fast but that doesnt appear to be the case.
Any ideas on why I am not getting every update that is written to the console?