Hi everyone,
I would like to ask if it is possible to create a button to copy certain text that can be used for users on their own computer.
I’m using “pyperclip.copy(content)” currently, but only the person who opens the website can copy successfully
Hello @kellyhsu,
Can you please try this to create a copy-to-clipboard button:
import streamlit as st
def create_copy_button(text_to_copy):
button_id = "copyButton" + text_to_copy
button_html = f"""<button id="{button_id}">Copy</button>
document.getElementById("{button_id}").onclick = function() {{
navigator.clipboard.writeText("{text_to_copy}").then(function() {{
console.log('Async: Copying to clipboard was successful!');
}}, function(err) {{
console.error('Async: Could not copy text: ', err);
st.markdown(button_html, unsafe_allow_html=True)
text_to_copy = "Hello, Streamlit!"
st.text_input("Text to copy:", value=text_to_copy, key="text_to_copy")
Hope this helps!
Kind Regards,
Sahir Maharaj
Data Scientist | AI Engineer
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