How to create something like st.balloons?

I want to write a custom “hurray” method like st.balloons, everything the same except flying books instead of balloons. I looked at the code for but I don’t understand what’s happening with the BalloonsProto. Can someone walk me (us) through how to create an st.hurray that plugs in a different image or images?

OK, I found the release where it seems to have been added by @thiago.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! (i.e. st.snow!) (#4472) · streamlit/streamlit@d31fd9e · GitHub

I get most of what this is doing (although all this React reminds me why I was so glad to move to 100% Streamlit). So next I guess I want to fork streamlit and work on all these pieces there?

@fredzannarbor you can use “let emojis rain” from the streamlit-extras library to accomplish this


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