How to delete text input content and transfer the value / state to the next rerun?

I am working on a porting a simple math app from Tkinter to a web app
and would like to use Streamlit for that.
But I can’t figure out how to get it right.

Originally the text input box is empty.
Then the user inputs a value and clicks Check.
In the next run the text input box should be empty and the number is used
somewhere. Same thing on every Check.

This is what I got so far:

import streamlit as st

if 'id_answer' not in st.session_state:
    st.session_state['id_answer'] = ''

value = st.session_state['id_answer']

placeholder_text_box_answer = st.empty()
check = st.button('Check', 'id_check')
placeholder_text_box_feedback = st.empty()

if check:

    value = ''

    st.session_state['id_answer'] = ''

placeholder_text_box_feedback.text(f'value was {value}')

answer = placeholder_text_box_answer.text_input(f'',

Any ideas how to solve that?

This seems to be a bug and is currently discussed and worked on.
The values set in st.session_state do not propagate to the frontend.

Issue did not exist in Streamlit 0.87.0

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