How to filter dataframe based on user input

I have a datafarme that includes 3 columns i want to allow the user to filter the result based on the user input where the user can select which column to filter using a checkbox.

The problem is that if the user doesn’t check the 2 checkbox it return the below error :

df_result_search = df[df[‘age’]==(age_search)]
NameError: name ‘age_search’ is not defined

and if the user check all the checkbox and enter the values it return a wrong record while it takes only one value and filter based on it.


import streamlit as st 
import pandas as pd

data = {'name':['Tom', 'nick', 'krish', 'jack'],
        'age':[20, 18, 19, 18]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df_result_search = pd.DataFrame() 

searchcheckbox_name_nickname = st.checkbox("Name or Nickname ",value = False,key=1)
searchcheckbox_age = st.checkbox("age",value = False,key=2)

if searchcheckbox_name_nickname:
    name_search = st.text_input("name")
    nickname_search = st.text_input("nickname")
if searchcheckbox_age:   
    age_search = st.number_input("age",min_value=0)
if st.button("search"):
    df_result_search = df[df['name'].str.contains(name_search,case=False, na=False)]
    df_result_search = df[df['nickname'].str.contains(nickname_search,case=False, na=False)]
    df_result_search = df[df['age']==(age_search)]
    st.write("{} Records ".format(str(df_result_search.shape[0])))

The app also runs into errors when the user directly clicks on search before checking either box. Here’s one way to ensure that both name and age are entered:

import streamlit as st 
import pandas as pd

data = {'name':['Tom', 'nick', 'krish', 'jack'],
        'age':[20, 18, 19, 18]}
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
df_result_search = pd.DataFrame() 

searchcheckbox_name_nickname = st.checkbox("Name or Nickname ",value = False,key=1)
searchcheckbox_age = st.checkbox("age",value = False,key=2)

if searchcheckbox_name_nickname:
    name_search = st.text_input("name")
    nickname_search = st.text_input("nickname")
if searchcheckbox_age:   
    age_search = st.number_input("age",min_value=0)
if st.button("search"):
    if not searchcheckbox_name_nickname or not searchcheckbox_age:
        st.error('Please enter both name **and** age.')
        df_result_search = df[df['name'].str.contains(name_search,case=False, na=False)]
        df_result_search = df[df['nickname'].str.contains(nickname_search,case=False, na=False)]
        df_result_search = df[df['age']==(age_search)]
        st.write("{} Records ".format(str(df_result_search.shape[0])))

yes this was another error but what about my question how to solve it ?

first the user must check the check box so if he check the name or nickname he must enter a valid name or nickname that exist in the data … if he check the age he must enter a valid age that exist in the data… so the filter is done based on the checked column/s…
otherwise it return empty or not exist data.

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